The purpose of this blog is to publish some of our pictures of the Isle of Skye, Scotland. We lay no claim to these being great photographs - they are just pictures of what we see, taken with ordinary compact cameras. We hope you enjoy browsing.

Richard and Sue


Saturday, 17 June 2017

Skye Lines

I asked Sue to suggest a theme for our next post in this blog, and she said 'skylines'. She was thinking of the line we see between land and sky - or is that the horizon..?? Either way - I know exactly what she meant. We see a lot of sky here - we don't look out of our windows at other buildings, or trees - just at a distant view, with the sky above, and a line between the two.

I'll now treat you to a gallery of a few of Sue's 'SkyeLine' pictures... obviously not all recent ones...!!

Throughout this blog - click on any picture to view full size.